Lighting Tips

I cam across the following info-graphic about photography. It provides you with useful tips about lighting which will help you get the best photos.

Lighting can be tricky but it makes a big difference in the quality of your pictures.

Connected, but Alone?

“As we expect more from technology, do we expect less from each other? Sherry Turkle studies how our devices and online personas are redefining human connection and communication — and asks us to think deeply about the new kinds of connection we want to have.” –

I feel this is a relevant TED Talk that applies not only to individuals, but to students, teachers and all those around us. The talk is thought provoking and makes the viewer reflect on their own technology use and communication with others.


“We expect more from technology and less from each other.” – Sherry Turkle

“The feeling that ‘no one is listening to me’ make us want to spend time with machines that seem to care about us.” – Sherry Turkle

Summary of Learning – Part 2

We can all help others learn in so many ways. In this post, you will see ways in which I have contributed to the learning of others and my classmates.

I used Storify to catalogue some of my tweets and re-tweets – some which I think show evidence of my contribution to the learning of others. Storify is a great tool because you can search your own tweets, tweets from others, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Google, and you can also embed links to help you create and share a story.

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

You can also see my Storify online.

Throughout the semester I have also created a collection of comments I have contributed to my classmates blogs and a few to YouTube Videos and other blogs as well. I don’t know if I’ve made a comment on everyone’s blog, but I gave it my best effort to read a wide variety of posts. Sometimes, I still find it  hard to find the right words to share in a comment …

Click here to see this GoogleDoc online.

It has been wonderful to read their ideas and to see what they have learned through out the semester. I have enjoyed offering feedback, support, comments and ideas to them just as much as I have appreciated receiving the same from them.

Summary of Learning – Part 1

For the presentation of my summary of learning, I did a couple of different things:

I first created a slideshow using sliderocket to organize my ideas and Scribd to share it here, as my file was too big to upload using Slideshare:


Then, I took most of those slides and added my thoughts to them to produce the following video:


But since this summary was a little long, I took the above video and made a shorter version to be shown in class (highlighting what I really wanted to communicate and share with my classmates):


All three are a little different and I don’t expect you to view all of them. However, if you have the time to watch one of them, I would recommend you watch the second YouTube video for an insight into my learning from ecmp355 this semester.

Through being exposed to a variety of tools, information, resources and knowledge, I have learned a great deal and have gained a stronger understanding of the technology around me today – things that I will be using, things that my students will be using and things that other people are using. I am now competent with a variety of tools in which I can produce, remix, share, edit, and can collaborate with others through many means. I have a greater appreciation for: YouTube, the many tools Google provides, Twitter, the idea of re-mixing, digital story making, online learning spaces, WordPress, pod casts and the many forms of learning – synchronous and asynchronous. Most importantly, I’ve learned the importance of integrating technology into the classroom with learners of all ages.

Oh, and I highly recommend that all University of Regina students in Education take this course as it should be a requirement for your degree, and that it should be taken before internship would have been so beneficial for internship. Although, it has prepared me and made me ready to be in my own classroom with students and to use technology – I am eager to enter the profession!


iPad Light Photography

This week, I borrowed my aunt’s iPad2. I opened up the AppStore and searched for light photography. I found the following app:

V Light Trip Long Exposure Photography – V Light Trip
(Click on the description to see it enlarged)

Basically, this app takes a video and puts the individual frames into one photograph, and blurs the moving images while keeping stationary objects in focus.

In my third light photography post, I created light orbs and decided to do this again using the iPad. It was easier with this app, because I did not have to worry about spinning the light in an exact circle, and it took only 5 seconds as opposed to 30 seconds to create the following images (Click the images to see them enlarged):


While the camera  on the iPad is not the same as my Nikon Dslr, the photos turned out pretty good!

Then, I tried to take some other photos using this app. The following are various shots from around Regina (Click to enlarge the images and see titles for each):


I would recommend this app. You can adjust how long you take the video for from 1 second to several minutes. It is neat to experiment with and you never really know how your pictures will turn out!