In the Beginning

So I have begun learning light painting photography.

I began to look into this topic and began my search with YouTube. I came across the following video which gives a demonstration of actually light painting and then talks about some of the tools you will need. I found it a great starting point and that it was pretty useful resource.


After watching the video, I started gathering tools that I will need.

Camera – I have both a point and shoot camera and a DSLR camera already. I am going to use the DSLR camera for this project for the following reasons:

  1. I believe it is an awesome camera.
  2. I think the quality of the DSLR is higher than my point and shoot camera, although they are both Nikon.
  3. I need more practice using my DLSR.
DSLR - Nikon D40
Point and Shoot - Nikon Coolpix






I then needed some flashlights. Dollarama is an awesome place! I hope to experiment with many different types of light sources!

  1. I bought a flashlight.
  2. As I wondered around I found some light sticks (glow sticks).
  3. I also found some cool mini finger light things.
  4. While at Dollarama, I also bought some candy – because I couldn’t pass up chocolate!

    Laser finger beams
  5. Flashlight
Light sticks








As for the tripod, well I consider myself kind of too cheap to go out and spend $30 minimum on a tripod. So I will make do with using securely stable flat surfaces that I can place my camera on. Who knows, I may invest in a tripod in the near future, if the flat surfaces restrict my learning and results. For now, the table, dresser and hot-tub (closed of course) that is not being used will make good stable surfaces!

Hot tub
Table/tv tray






Then I decided to test it out and to try and take a photo. I knew the following things and attempted to create a photo:

  1. The camera needed to be set to M for manual.
  2. Then, according to the video, I had to change the shutter speed to bulb, however I decided to set it to 15 seconds. This would allow for me to have 15 seconds to paint within, otherwise I would manually have to close the shutter.
  3. Since I don’t have a remote, I set the self timer to 10 seconds so that I would have enough time to get in position.
  4. When the timer went off, I simply moved around my flashlight, not really having any purpose but to just see if anything would turn out.


Attempt #1

This is what I came up with! (I think it is pretty cool and totally random).

I am Looking forward to producing some cool photos and learning technique!

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